Thursday, September 20, 2012

Missing You

"Sometimes I get the urge to talk to you, and then I remember that you are a different person now, and it's sad because I miss you a lot."

I read this on pinterest today.  Who knew pinterest could see into my soul?

I guess maybe everyone has experience with this is someway or another. Losing someone you love to change.

He was my best friend. Two years of letters and waiting for him to come home and make everything better. And then he finally came home, only he didn't. That's the worst part. At least when he was gone I had his letters. Because now he's not there, but he's not here either, and there are no more letters.

It's fine really, things worked out for the best. That's what I'd like to believe. But some nights all I want is to talk to my best friend. I want him to come home, or wake up from this trans that makes him a stranger. But he never does. After a while the urge always fades, because it is silly to miss someone that doesn't really exist.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Uses of Sorrow

Planning is Everything

I don't consider myself a planner. I procrastinate, and wing just about everything that I do. It's a terrible habit.  Impossible to break. One the other hand, it seems I have to make these plans, or set out these ideas at least, of how I think my life is going to be. I honestly try not to do it, because it is utterly pointless. It never, and I mean never, turns out how I plan. You think I would have learned my lesson.
As it turns out, I haven't.

I seriously lay in bed at night, trying to arrange it all out, making list in my head. It actually keeps me up. I'm going to marry this person, or get this job, or move to this certain place. But next thing I know that place, that job, that person... is out of the picture. It almost seems like anything I can scrounge up to build off of, disappears just as I work it all out.

Dwight Eisenhower once said, "Plans are nothing, planning is everything."

I pray that holds truth.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My ideas about love are forever changing.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

V.I.M. - Vomit In Mouth

Being in the business of creating is scary. You have to put a part of yourself out there. Out there for criticism, mockery, and judgement. It is a part of you, how can you not take it personal. There is no right answer. No amount of studying will make you any better. Either you have it, or you don't. It is a risk, a chance, and a hell of a gamble. Every class, every assignment, every design. Find me another major that brings on that kind of a challenge.

Vim. That was the name I came up with for our "All Natural Energy Drink." Honestly I was quite fond of it.  I pinned it up on the board with all the others, and my teacher actually didn't hate it... until out of the corner I hear. "haha V.I.M. like vomit in mouth? ...that is what me and my friends used to say when we were younger."
Everyone laughed at the irony. ..except me.


"Boo, you whore."