Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Break (Day 2 of 11)

Usually this post would consist of awesome road trip pictures and great memorable stories. Not this year. This year I have sold my soul to motherhood for 11 days. That's right, I am spending my spring break as a nanny. Five kids under the age of 12. What was I thinking?

 "I've been trying to get in the babysitting game forever. The 13 year olds in this town have a complete monopoly." ... fortunately I have something they don't, a drivers license.

But really, when I realized that I would make the same amount of money in a week that is usually takes me like 2 months to earn, well you just really can't really argue with those kind of numbers. Not to mention my mom is certain I will learn a few valuable lessons... I'm not so optimistic.

All I have thus far observed is that time is a trickster, and one minute it's rushing by so fast you can barely catch your breath, and the next it's as slow as rush hour traffic on I-15.
Eleven days stuck in rush hour traffic.

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