Last night as I drove home from Logan I tuned into someone on the radio talking about forgiveness. She said that due to something they had discussed earlier she had felt compelled to ask forgiveness from two really good friends she had lost some time ago due to something she had done to offend them. This got me thinking about grudges today, and the way they create a disgusting kind a restraint against you. We let them literaly run our lives and all for what? We think about letting go, but our pride overrides and we decide that they are the ones who need to apologize, and that it's their problem not ours. Carrying this kind of anger in your heart doesn't do anything, you'll never forget it, or get over it, because it is not resolved. You are literally limited to what you can do and where you can go all because you're scared of running into them. It works either way, whether it's avoiding asking forgiveness, forgiving, or a combination of the two.
Well today I took care of a grudge that has been weighing me down for four years. Four LONG years. I swollowed my bloody pride, apologized, and asked for forgiveness. I was overwelmed by how relieved I felt. She responded in the same way, and it's all behind me. It literally took ten minutes to resolve these feelings I had been carrying around for years. How ridiculous is that?
So why does it take so much of our energy and so long for us to summon the guts to do this? Is it because of all the inbetween information we receive from people that really know nothing about the situation? Is it because of our foolish pride? or it because in general we are lazy people and it seems like the easiest way out?
I've decided that most people (well girls anyways) have similar situations to this. So I hope if you read this you make a resolve to call up your friend, or email, or whatever it is you do and get that weight off your chest. Because sometimes we don't realize our shortness of breath until we're allowed a deep one.
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